2003-04-18/2:41 p.m.
I bought a gold entry just for this one.

All right, so here�s my belated explanation for my last entry.

After drinking the night before with Punky and her friends, I pass out in the chair and wake up the next morning at 7:30 and feeling all right. Girl went to work at ten, so two hours later I�m amusing myself with the Osbournes DVD when I get a knock on the door. This is not an everyday occurrence for us. Usualy when someone does knock on the door, it�s the mailman delivering a package (Girl�s family is package-mad, always sending food and little gifts for no apparent reason), but I know it�s not hmi because the mailman always taps out some little song. This was just a meek little knock. Since it was too weak a knock for the police or anyone pissed off at us for whatever reason, I decide to answer it.

It�s Hocky Temper, who�s supposed to be at work. Oh, shit! I suddenly remembered the day before when he�d tried to slip out unnoticed an hour early. Unfortunately about 20 minutes after he left, Napoleon started looking for him and I had to confess that he�d already left. Napoleon had made some comment that he hoped that wasn�t true because that�s considered �walking off the job.� They paged him and I slipped away, knowing they wouldn�t find him. And now, here he was at noon on a workday, not even in his work clothes. That couldn�t be good.

He suggested that we go over to R@pell0�s, where he would by the drinks and tell the whole story. Drinks?

Fifteen minutes later we�re at the bar, me with the ever-present Long Island, him guzzling Bud Light and telling the story. Napoleon had let him work long enough to do the order, then called him into the office and had basically fired him, but told him to have a meeting with Uncle Dan. However, Uncle Dan wasn�t ready to have a meeting at the moment, so he would have to go home until then. Even though home was an hour away, he went, drank some beer, then came back when he was supposed to. Uncle Dan still wasn�t ready for him, so he apparently went home, drank more beer when he got a call from Uncle Dan saying he was ready. Back across town, and he finally has his meeting. Uncle Dan then had pretty much nothing negative to say about him, other than gently chastising him about tardiness. He even suggested HT go into management training, and didn�t mention firing Hockey Temper, at all. Eventually he said that they would meet again on Thursday, yesterday, to discuss a punishment. They DID end up having a meeting yesterday, in which no mention of punishment occurred.

So, either they were really just trying to scare him, or HT�s dealer put in a good word for him with Uncle Dan. See, that�s the funniest part about the whole thing. People are ALWAYS walking off the job to go smoke a doobie, and nothing ever happens to them. HT said he had a whole speech prepared about that in case he DID end up getting fired, but luckily didn�t have to use it.

So, we finished our drink, came back up to my place for a second, then decided more alcohol was in order. So we walked over to the store and I got another bottle of rum, he got a 24 oz. Bud Light and we returned to set about more drinking. So, from noon until about 11:00 that night, I drank rum and Coke�s. Especially bad considering I probably hadn�t had anything to drink WITHOUT rum in it since probably 9:00 the previous night.

We basically watched Killer Klowns from Outer Space and some amateur Jackass stuff I have downloaded until Girl came home. When she did, we decided to reenact one of her favorite clips just for her, which involves to guys sitting around attempting to crush pop cans on their head with oft-hilarious results.

Let�s just say those fuckers don�t crumple like they do in the movies, at least not with the first smack. And after all my rum and Cokes, there was a lot of ammunition laying around. Girl was highly amused with us, and we were highly amused with ourselves.

Soon, both Hockey Temper and Girl were also immersed in the rum and Cokes, and Girl decided this was the perfect time to invite Punky over. She�s wanted to set up Hockey Temper and Punky for awhile. So we finally managed to get a hold of her and get her to come over with one of her friends from the previous night and convinced them to come over.

As she was telling HT more about Punky, he learned that Punky was still a virgin, which he seemed to enjoy. When they called and said they were here and coming up the stairs, he�s half drunk and bouncing around on the couch going, �I can�t believe there�s a virgin coming up the stairs!� Luckily, by the time she got here he had composed himself.

They seemed to hit it off, and of course we had to show off our pop can trick again, bemoaning all the awhile what a shame it was that our video camera wouldn�t work (hell, it IS 9 years old!). They�re the types who appreciate this sadistic form of humor as much as the rest of us. In fact, they were taking the Jackass DVD over to a friend�s house to watch after they left here. Thus, a good time was had by all, and Hockey Temper even managed to conquer the 24 oz. Bud Light can he�d been working on all night, even though it took about four rapid fire tries and put a sizeable gash just above his hairline.

Soon, Punky and her friend left, then Hockey Temper left, and a couple minutes later Girl and myself were having a nice round of drunken sex. Yes, that�s right ladies and gentlemen. Drunken Sex: It�s Not Just for Frat Guys Anymore.

Another meeting for all of us is scheduled for Sunday, when we are planning a nice little 4-20 shindig. Odd that 4-20 falls on Easter this year, eh? Punky promises to bring a bunch of her friends, and Hockey Temper will be there as well. Anyone else want to come? Should be a real hootenanny.

Let�s see�anything else? Oh yeah, pictures!

My gash, front and center on my forhead.

The offending can. Notice the discrepancy in damage between my head and the can.

Hockey Temper�s can. Lookit the bloodstains!


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