2003-01-03/9:41 p.m.
Following me around can get you into trouble

Well, wasn't I a lucky boy this week? I got off the days after New Years Eve and the day after the Tostito's Bowl. I'm not a die-hard OSU fan or anything, but it's still as good a reason as any to get drunk! Hehe. Actually Girl discovered today I may have a history of alcoholism in my family. My family's never really been much on sitting around talking about family history, so I don't know of any, but Girl found out that if it doesn't take much at all to get you drunk but it takes a lot to keep you drunk. Well, that's pretty much me. I can get buzzed on a beer and a half if I haven't eaten too much before hand...but I can keep going, hold it better, and not become a staggering, blathering, abusive idiot. Overall, I think I'd make a pretty good alcoholic. And there's so little I'm good at...so why not go with my strengths?

Well, work was pretty silly today. I blocked one aisle, looked for dsiplays with no signs, make and hang the signs, then do tags. Basically a lot of sitting, which is just fine with me. I didn't even see the important people everyone was so concerned, which is probably for the best considering I haven't shaved in 3 days or so.

Oh, I did get Turk in trouble, though. Hehehe...Not that I meant too. I didn't even know she was there, because I was in an office dooing tags. Anyway, I went downstairs to clock out for a break and she say me walk by and came running over. She asked what I was doing and I told her so she said she'd go on break, too. Just as she's clocking off, Napoleans I and II come by and ask her what she thinks she's doing, she can't clock out for break since she's only been there 15 minutes...hehehehe! Busted! I just had to giggle...on the way up for my cigarette, of course. But I had to wait around a half hour after work, so she managed to get her break then. Heh. I got to sing at her, "You go-ot yelled at, you go-ot yelled out..." That's the first time it's happened to her there...usually she gets away with everything around there.

Girl said they cracked down on Turk because they think we're having an affair, which'll only lead to trouble. Apparently management is much more concerned about it than Girl. LOL

Apparently Turk had a pretty good time in New York. I repeat. Bitch! Sounds like she played a bunch of guys for free drinks then left them hanging. Playa. Hehe.

All right, better go and focus on these damn Buckeyes. Plus I'm only 1 1/4 drinks into the night...need to concentrate harder on that too. Maybe some drunken rambling later.


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