2003-03-01/2:09 a.m.
24 hours of fun, for once!

The past couple days have actually been entertaining. I'm actually jealous of us.

Yesterday one of Girl's friend's, Ms. Blonde, came over to play. We went down to R@pell0s and got thoroughly snockered. Okay, that's not true, I got thoroughly snockered. Girl just had a drink and Ms. Blonde had 3 beers, but she's a little out of practice when it comes to drinking so they kinda got to her a little. We both knocked over our chairs, if that says anything.

A little backstory on Ms. Blonde for ya. She's one of those people that's just really nice and it would be hard to do anything but like her. She's living with her boyfriend, he in his thirties, she in her twenties, and from what it sounds like, he keeps a pretty tight reign on her. This may actually be construed by responsible society at large as a positive thing since it sounds like she can be pretty out of control when not under his thumb. Of course, I'm all for out of control behavior so I think she should ditch the guy and move in with us. She was actually close to it at one point, apparently. We seem to have a knack for aquiring friends that end up living with us, or at least come close. In any event it was discussed, even if not very seriously. It would be a good set up for me, because she used to be a bartender. Heh.

In any case, she's pretty cool. I'd do 'er.

Unfortunately she wasn't drunk enough to get her top off last night, though you know I tried.

After passing out last night I finally got twelve hours sleep. This is a number that had been eluding me, as of late. Even when I have a day off, I can't seem to manage staying asleep for more than six hours a night, usually less.

Today we went out to E@st0n and saw Shanghai Knights, which was pretty good. We hadn't been to that mall in probably six months and were amazed at all the new stuff they've put in there. After the movie, Girl got her nails done and I went over to Gameworks and hung out. I love that place. Videogames, cigarettes, alcohol (none today, too poor), and hotass E@st0n girs all in the same place. I could happily spend $600 there in about 5 hours. This is mostly becuase I'm not very good at videogames.

So, all in all, a pretty good day off eve and day off. So there we go, a whole entry that had nothing to do with work. There should be more of those.


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